خدمات أخرى
Medical Liability Insurance
In the context of striving to provide the finest services and the highest standards of professional, ethical and human performance in the medical profession, we cannot overlook human errors or avoid them at all times . It may occur in some cases unintentionally or intentionally, but nevertheless it entails a great responsibility that causes the victim to file a lawsuit against medical professionals as a result of their commission or allegation that they have committed a professional error while performing their work, which resulted in harm to others, and in light of this and in implementation of the provisions of the Medical Liability Law No. 17 of 1986 and amended laws and decisions issued, Takaful carefully designed and professional insurance medical liability product to meet the needs that compensate for the responsibility that exposed medical professionals practitioners on various categories, such as : doctors, technicians , radiology, laboratory technicians, pharmacists and nurses in hospitals and medical centers device . The insurance coverage includes civil liability resulting from death, any physical injury, or any material or moral damage to any person due to a professional error arising from the practice of the medical profession and the professions associated with it. .